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Asian voices in Art, Creative & Human for Tomorrow: Asia-Pacific Sustainability Symposium (Tokyo)


This year’s theme—“Art, Creative & Human for Tomorrow”—is particularly resonant as we navigate the complexities of our rapidly changing world. The challenges we face today demand creative solutions that are informed by diverse perspectives and collaborative efforts. We believe that art and creativity have the power to inspire change, bridge cultural divides, and foster a deeper understanding of sustainability in our communities.

Date: late November / early December 2025

Organizer: APAC FOCUS, Institute for Greater China Studies IGCS (Hong Kong SAR) & DUOLOGY CO JP (Japan)

Place: Tokyo, Japan

Venue: The Imperial Hotel Tokyo (TBC) / Akasaka Inter-city Conference Center

Expected No. of people: 150 invited delegates

Duration: Half-day conference

今年のテーマ「Art, Creative & Human for Tomorrow(未来のための人・アート・創造性)」は、急速に変化する現代社会の複雑な課題に直面する中、特に意義深いものです。今日の私たちが直面する課題は、多様な視点や協働による創造的な解決策を必要としています。私たちは、芸術と創造性が変革を促し、文化的な隔たりを超え、地域社会におけるサステナビリティへの理解を深める力を持つと確信しています。

日程:2025年11月下旬 / 12月上旬

主催者:APAC FOCUS、グレーター・チャイナ研究所 IGCS(香港特別行政区)、DUOLOGY株式会社(日本)


会場:帝国ホテル 東京(仮) / 赤坂インターシティコンファレンス



City Tower Skyline


This year’s theme—“Art, Creative & Human for Tomorrow”—is particularly resonant as we navigate the complexities of our rapidly changing world. The challenges we face today demand creative solutions that are informed by diverse perspectives and collaborative efforts. We believe that art and creativity have the power to inspire change, bridge cultural divides, and foster a deeper understanding of sustainability in our communities.


Throughout this symposium, we invite you to engage in meaningful discussions, share your insights, and collaborate on innovative ideas that can lead us toward a more sustainable future. Our program features a variety of panels, workshops, and artistic presentations designed to stimulate thought-provoking conversations and inspire actionable outcomes.

今年のテーマ「Art, Creative & Human for Tomorrow(未来のための人・アート・創造性)」は、急速に変化する現代社会の複雑な課題を乗り越える上で、特に重要な意味を持っています。現在私たちが直面している社会は、多様な視点と協力関係の努力に支えられた創造的な解決策を求められています。芸術と創造性は、変革を喚起し、文化的な隔たりを埋め、地域社会におけるサステナビリティへの理解を深める力を持つと信じています。



APAC FOCUS, IGCS © 2024 by Institute for Greater China Studies is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0

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Established in 2012 by Prof. Luk Yan Lung Michael, the Institute for Greater China Studies (IGCS) has been quietly contributing to the field of scholarly research for approximately 12 years. The IGCS is dedicated to studying a wide range of political, social, economic, cultural, and public policy issues, with a special emphasis on the Greater China region, an important and continually evolving area of study in the contemporary world.

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